Since this laptop has a 2560x1600 on a 13" display, roughly 227DI, my old setting for i3 did not work well, although I already using xft font for status bar display. After a few search, I found out xorg server always set DPI 96, that is a bad move in my opinion, as it makes previous valid DPI calculation wrong and still wrong for those cases that the calculation do not fit. And I have to add a line
xrandr --fbmm 286x179in .xinitrc file in order to let i3 pick up the correct DPI setting. OK, now the i3 status bar display fine.
I have the following settings in my .Xresources file.
Xft.dpi : 227 Xft.antialias: false Xft.rgba: rgb URxvt.scrollstyle: xterm URxvt.background: black URxvt.foreground: gray URxvt.preeditType: Root URxvt.scrollBar_right: true URxvt.jumpScroll: true URxvt.perl-ext-common: tabbed URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-fg: 2 URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-bg: 0 3 0 URxvt.termName: rxvt URxvt.geometry: 83x27 urxvt.font: xft:DejaVuSansMono:size=8 Xpdf*fontList: -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1 Xpdf.initialZoom: 200 Xcursor.size: 64 With the following, the width should be $((11*COLUMNS+13)) pixels; ! in contrast, the fixed = 6x13 bitmap font is typically used on a ! low-definition screen, giving a width of $((6*COLUMNS+13)) pixels. XTerm*faceName: Monospace XTerm*faceSize: 10 ! For xterm menus. This font is large enough, but a bit ugly. XTerm*font: -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1My default terminal is rxvt-unicode, so it works fine. You may notice I have turn antialias off, the font looks sharp, you may see zigzag when looking really close, but for 227DPI, it's very clear without it already. Most of the document on line regarding GTK+3's HiDPI support is by setting
export GDK_SCALE=2 export GDK_DPI_SCALE=05I found the program behave a little strange when this kind of scaling in effect. Font is a little blur than none scale one. For the Gnat Programing Studio (GPS), with the scaling effect, the menu display strangely: compare with the one without scaling: I am not sure whether its GTK3' fault or GPS's fault. I would hope for a GDK_IMAGE_SCALE and only scale image, maybe that will work better.
P.S. After upgrade to kernel 4.4, all the special keys (fn+Fx) works as expected (with pommed-light)